Mastermix® Colorants
Available in polymer-bound, dry colors, and other forms, HEXPOL offers a wide range of stock colors, or we can supply a custom color match for your application. Benefits:
- Consistent product color
- Reduced handling/housekeeping
- Rapid incorporation with excellent dispersion
- Improved pigment efficiency

Mastermix Dry Colors
Mastermix Dry Color pigments are available in a wide range of color hues and chemical types. These products are QC tested in Hexpol Compounding’s lab and certified to deliver optimum performance in rubber and related polymer systems.
Dry color offers the lowest raw-material cost, but requires additional work to achieve dispersion for maximum color development. Additionally, precautions must be taken to minimize the potential problems associated with airborne dust.
Mastermix DB
Mastermix DB dry-blend colors provide enhanced performance over dry colors. Oil treated to reduce dust, DB colors are easier to weigh and cleaner to handle. Available in mulit-pigment blends, they provide uniform critical pigment weight ratios, resulting in improved color control. Additional benefits include reduction in airborne dust and reduction in loss during mixing.